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POWERSIDE QubeScan Monitoring Software

Key Features and Functions

  • Designed to Fit the Way You Work
  • QubeScan comes with features that make the information you need easy to access and format.
  • Scalable fleet management platform includes live meters
  • Create interactive views of event-recorded waveforms, HF emission heatmaps, multi-circuit energy dashboards and more
  • Scroll through history of parameter trends from minutes to years of data
  • Capture accurate logging of all events via keynotes

QubeScan Enhances Your Visibility Into Important Operational Insights Such As:

  • Power and Energy Consumption, Trends, Events and Environmental Parameters
  • Real-Time Power Disturbances
  • System Malfunctions, Damage and Failures
  • Root Causes of Power Issues
  • Fluctuations in Energy Consumption
  • Key Performance and Efficiency Metrics Like Reactive Power and Power Factor

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QubeScan Monitoring Software

Central, Secure Access to Your Powerside Power Analyzer Fleet

QubeScan maximizes the value of power quality monitoring across your enterprise. This intelligent, secure AWS cloud platform gives you immediate, remote visibility into comprehensive quality data from all your Powerside analyzers. Tap into insight 24/7 — even from your mobile device. Quickly share information between stakeholders without composing multiple emails and reports. Work more efficiently and make decisions with precision.

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QubeScan Monitoring Software

Central, Secure Access to Your Powerside Power Analyzer Fleet

QubeScan maximizes the value of power quality monitoring across your enterprise. This intelligent, secure AWS cloud platform gives you immediate, remote visibility into comprehensive quality data from all your Powerside analyzers. Tap into insight 24/7 — even from your mobile device. Quickly share information between stakeholders without composing multiple emails and reports. Work more efficiently and make decisions with precision.

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