Keysight N9056EM0E Channel Quality Measurement Application
Key Features and Specifications
- Characterize RF components with spectrum, waveform, amplitude, phase, gain amplitude, gain phase, and group delay etc. measurements
- User can flexibly define the number of tones and tone spacing for group delay measurement
- Tones phase can be defined with phase type as zero phase, random phase or parabolic phase. You can also import a tone table as txt or csv format.
- Support Keysight X-Series Signal Generators (MXG, EXG) and VXG Microwave Signal Generator for multi-tones signal generation
- Keysight supports tiered X-app models with N-models for UXA/PXA/PXE, E-models for MXA/EXA/MXE/VXT. The higher tiered X-app models can run at the lower platforms, which means N-models can run on all platforms, and E-models can only run on MXA/EXA/MXE/VXT.
Documents and Software Solutions:
N9056EM0E Channel Quality/Group Delay measurement application provides a solution to make repeatable channel response measurements such as group delay and other characteristics of multi-channel signals targeting wideband components testing in 5G NR, WLAN etc. N9056EM0E is running inside Keysight X-series Signal Analyzers which can connect Keysight Signal Generators for multi-tone signal generation to make group delay measurements as the typical measurements shown in the right table.
N9056EM0E Channel Quality/Group Delay measurement application provides a solution to make repeatable channel response measurements such as group delay and other characteristics of multi-channel signals targeting wideband components testing in 5G NR, WLAN etc. N9056EM0E is running inside Keysight X-series Signal Analyzers which can connect Keysight Signal Generators for multi-tone signal generation to make group delay measurements as the typical measurements shown in the right table.